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Elemental Fear Page 11

  “Eve, listen tonight there is a party at Gareth’s house and I was wondering if you wanted to go? You can ask Sam and Natalie if you want.” Elliott asked.

  “I don’t know, I have a ton of homework and mum and dad –“

  “Come on it’s the weekend; I will help you Sunday with your homework. I already asked your mum if you could go and she agreed as long as I didn’t let you drink too much. Please.” He whined with a silly pouty face.

  I shook my head and laughed “You know naff all about bio-chemics so how are you going to help me?”

  “I can pretend to be a nerd for a couple of hours,” he said and I leant across the bed to slap his arm.

  “I am not a nerd. Chemistry is not –“

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah heard it all before big brain. So are you going with me?” He laughed at my mock angry face.

  “As long as you promise not to leave me stranded when you find a hottie to take home” I pointed at him because he had done that to me before, but thankfully it was Dominic’s weekend home so I rang him to collect me, but again that night ended in my embarrassment.

  “Only hottie I want to be with is you. Scouts honour”

  I blush at his compliment but choose to ignore it “You weren’t in the scouts. They would have kicked you out for being a lazy git”

  He threw his head back and laughed loudly. “You are a peach. Now get ready. I’ll order a taxi for 7pm.”

  The party was seriously loud and crowded. The music base reverberated through my entire body and the pounding in my ears would surely leave damage. The house was fairly large but the amount of people crammed into it made it seem like a box room. People were smoking and drinking and the air was filled with the overwhelming smell of beer, sweat and smoke, it was claustrophobic from the start. Elliott grabbed my hand and tugged me through the crowd to a small clearing near the kitchen.

  “Stay here and I will go get us some drinks.” He shouted near my ear, the music was so loud I still barely heard him. I nodded my agreement and turned to scan the crowd of people.

  There were a mixture of people, some I recognised from the rugby and cricket teams Dominic played on, some of them were people I had seen around town, some I’d seen Elliott with but most of them were complete strangers.

  A makeshift dance floor was near the DJ, bodies writhing against one another. One girl had her legs wrapped around her ‘boyfriends’ waist and his hands were under her skirt. Her head was thrown back and her eyes were closed. I had a suspicion of what they were doing but never having done anything like that I couldn’t be sure.

  A clear plastic cup was thrust towards me with what I assumed was cola in. I smiled at Elliot and took a hearty gulp of my drink to settle myself down. When the burning hit my throat I coughed and spluttered.

  “What is that?” I shouted but I knew I couldn’t be heard over the music. I turned to Elliott who was smiling down at me shaking his head.

  I took another sip of my drink and sniffed at it. White rum and cola I believe. The burning hit my throat again but this time I managed not to cough and make a fool of myself. I scanned the room again watching the people around me. People were clearly chatting but how they could hear anything was beyond me. When I turned to speak to Elliott he had a weird look on his face that kind of unsettled me. He nodded to my drink then took a small sip of his own. We stood there for a while, the noise started to lessen in annoyance and I relaxed a little. Elliott made sure I always had a drink and as soon as my cup was empty he replaced it with a full one. I have no idea how many I had.

  After a while I felt Elliott lace his fingers through mine, and I smiled at him. I lifted our joined hands and smiled because my hand felt strange, like it didn’t belong to me, my movements seemed slower and I felt a happy buzz all over. I leaned my head against the wall and I knew the smile I had on my face was pretty goofy but I finally felt relaxed enough to start enjoying myself.

  Elliott stood closer to me and slid his free arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I suddenly felt sleepy so I went willingly into his arms. I rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes. I rocked my head against his shoulder, my body not quite feeling like my own. Elliott whispered something in my ear but I couldn’t hear what he was saying, I could just feel his lips moving against my ear and his breath tickled my ear lobe. I felt his lips tickling my neck, sucking slightly. Both his arms were around me now, I didn’t realise when that had happened. It was maybe a good thing too because my legs now felt like jelly. His kisses trailed a path down then back up my neck to my mouth where he gently took my mouth in a soft seductive kiss. I liked how his lips felt, I liked the hum of happiness floating through my body so I kissed him back. I became brave and daring and opened my mouth and licked his lips then sucked at his bottom lip, then gave it a little bite. He pulled back quickly from me and the look he gave me almost made me melt like an ice cube. He leaned forward and I knew he was trying to tell me something but the music was too loud and my head felt fuzzy. I lifted my hand and pointed to my ear shaking my head. He smiled and took my hand and pulled me through the crowd.

  As we stepped out into the fresh air a wave of dizziness hit me and I stumbled.

  “Hey, watch yourself Angel” strong arms circled my waist and pulled me close. I snuggled into his arms. “I think it’s time I took you home. Alan is going to kick my backside for letting you get this drunk” I could hear the amusement in his voice and a tender hand stroked my hair whilst the other held me safely against a hard chest.

  “Ilikethis” I knew my words were slurring together.

  “Me too, I've wanted to hold you like this for a long, long time” his voice quavered slightly as if voicing that made him nervous.

  “Hmm” I snuggled closer to his warmth and felt his chest vibrate with laughter.

  I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up the next day with a killer hangover, I was tucked up in my own bed. When I walked out of my room to the bathroom mum was walking down the hallway.

  “I your hope hangover is a killer today because I cannot believe you came home in that state. You are sixteen years old lady When I trust you to go to parties I do not expect you being so drunk you cannot even stand .”

  “Sorry” I whispered, feeling like an idiot.

  “Eve I don’t want to be an ogre and get on at you I just want you to be safe –“

  “It was my fault Aunt Marie; I shouldn’t have let her drink so much.” Elliott interrupted from the doorway making me spin round at his sudden appearance.

  “I admit young man I am a little disappointed in you but she needs to take responsibility for her own actions.”

  “I am standing here you know,” I snapped. “You are treating me like a child. I got drunk, I haven’t drank like that before and I admit it was a mistake but Jesus I didn’t kill anyone.”

  “Watch your tone Eve. I am your mother and I love you, it’s my job to worry, it’s what I do and yes, you are a child.”

  “Yeah but come on, I make one mistake, it’s not like I do it every weekend. I feel like sh...rubbish so I won’t be doing it again...not anytime soon anyway” I lifted my eyes to look at her and smirked. “Ooh you cheeky...Evelyn Rose you will be the death of me.” She kissed my cheek and tapped my bottom then walked over to Elliott and grabbed his chin in her hand

  “Next time you take my daughter on a date –“

  “It wasn’t a date” I called louder than I intended.

  My mum turned and looked at me and smiled, then back at Elliott, who’s chin she still has in her hand “Not to you maybe.” She said it quietly but I still heard her. She kissed Elliott on the cheek and went into the kitchen closing the door behind her.

  Elliott seemed nervous; he put his hands in his pockets and toed at the carpet with his shoe. “I wish...I’d like to, you know.” He looked up at me and the nervous stance and look of apprehension on his face was adorable “take you on a date.” He looked up at the ceiling then at the wall, anywh
ere but directly at me.

  “You kissed me” I whispered, remembering last night.

  He nodded then looked at me “it was amazing, best kiss I've ever had”

  My face heated so much I thought for sure steam would be coming out of my ears. “Did it?” He asked

  I swallowed and nodded. My heart was hammering in my chest and I liked the nervous butterflies flapping about in my stomach.

  He took a tentative step forward “can I...can...I really want to kiss you again”

  I smiled as he closed the space between us. He reached a hand out and cupped my cheek so softly the touch was barely there. I closed my eyes I leaned into his hand, loving the soft feel of his hands and the gentle caress of my cheek.

  “I'm going to kiss you now, if you don’t want me to, you have to say so. Okay?”

  I opened my eyes and stared into his crystal blue eyes, they alone were captivating. I lifted my chin and met his lips with mine. His hands cupped my face and slowly slid into my hair as he deepened the kiss, his lips were so soft and gentle. He didn’t force it, it was perfect. Stupidly I had no idea what to do with my hands so I held them at my sides while he controlled our first – well first sober – kiss. Too soon he pulled back and I slowly opened my eyes. He was staring at my mouth with a complete look of awe.

  “I've dreamed of doing that for so long.” He whispered and gently pecked my lips again as if he couldn’t keep himself away. I smiled shyly at him. “You are perfect.” He put his forehead against mine and let out a long breath that feathered across my damp lips.

  “Can I take you out, on a proper date? Dinner, cinema – somewhere I don’t have to shout and I can hear you.”

  I let out a soft laugh and nodded against him “I’d like that”

  The loud music snapped me out of my daydream; I shook my head to rid myself of the memory. That was nine years and sixty three days old; I knew the exact length of time he had tortured my life. I admit in the beginning he was absolutely perfect, prince charming in all aspects. I craved seeing him, I dreamed up ways in which to see him. He was everything I believed a boyfriend should be. He wasn’t Dominic, but he had made it blatantly obvious he didn’t want me, so I decided I would move on. I cannot tell you how many times I have sat and wished to be taken back to that day and chosen to ignore him and leave him standing in the hall or said ‘no sorry I’m not interested’. But instead I chose to fall for the charm, I allowed myself to become beguiled, therefore I deserve everything I receive as punishment. I know there was never a romantic future for Dominic, but looking back now I would choose my innocent, naive, romantic dreams over the severity and fear Elliott’s love involved. Isn’t hindsight a bitch?

  “You are no fun tonight. Maybe I should find myself someone else to keep me company” Elliott sneered, bringing me out of my daydream “there are many beautiful women in here gagging for it. Fuck knows what I did to be lumbered with a frigid bitch like you.” He growled. I could see the malevolence in his eyes; the drink was taking hold quicker than usual tonight.

  “Sorry, I was remembering when we first got together” I smiled trying to lighten the mood.

  “What? You mean when you were beautiful and fun to be with instead of...this.” He waved his

  hands dismissively at me.


  “That’s all you ever say. Go get me another fucking drink, I'm going to need it.” He ordered. “Are you sure you? I mean...”

  “Don’t tell me what to fucking do Evelyn. I can handle a couple of drinks, you drive me to it so don’t sit there preaching at me.”

  I took his glass and headed for the bar. I fought the pathetic tears that wanted to reduce me to a sniveling mess. My efforts to placate him tonight were failing miserably.

  “Jim Beam no ice and bottled water please.” I said to the bar tender.

  “Hey, Evelyn. Bit of a stiff drink for you isn’t it.” I turned to see Liam from work. He placed his hand at the small of my back and leaned in to talk into my ear. “Who are you with? I haven’t seen you here before?”

  I pointed to our table “Elliott”

  “Is that your boyfriend?” He smiled at me and waved to Elliott. He didn’t wave back he just glared

  at me. “Jealous type is he? Can’t say I’m surprised.” He smiled again.

  “Well if it isn’t my walking wet dream” I heard a voice holler from behind me. I knew the voice and I winced knowing this night was seriously going downhill for me. I turned to see Johan holding a bottled beer and smiling like the sun had finally arrived on a wet day. He pulled me into his usual hug. I looked nervously over his shoulder at Elliott, whose face was contorted by utter rage.

  “Hi” I said feeling increasingly fearful about returning to the table.

  “Who ya here with darling?” usually when I heard him say that in his gorgeous American accent it made me smile, tonight I just wanted to hide.

  “Elliott” I knew my voice was shaking but at this point there was little I could do. Johan’s smile fell “You okay? You don’t seem –“

  I turned and looked over at Elliott again “I'm fine”

  Johan followed my gaze then turned to face me “is everything okay? Have you guys had an argument? You seem a little nervous.”

  I turned to look at him then quickly lowered my face to stare at the scarred bar top and shook my head. Hating that I was shunning a very good friend, I swallowed at the emotions fighting to break free.

  “Eve –“ Johan took a step forward and gently took hold of my elbow.

  “Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend” my back stiffened as I heard his angry voice penetrate through the bustle of the bar.

  Johan let go immediately and turned to face Elliott. “Sorry man, I wasn’t...we work together. I’m Johan you must be Elliott.” He held out his hand to shake it. I didn’t turn but I could see with the look on Johan’s face that Elliott hadn’t reciprocated.

  I felt a tight grip pull at my elbow and spin me round. “Go sit down, I’ll wait for the drinks” I walked past him and headed back to our table, which luckily had remained vacant. I felt sick that Johan and Liam had witnessed that. I jumped when my bottle of water was slammed down on the table in front of me

  “Who the fuck was that?”

  “Jo...Johan, he’s the Developmental Director at –” I offered.

  “Are you fucking him?” He snarled

  “What? No!” I couldn’t help the shock in my voice.

  “Why would he have his hands all over you then?”

  “He didn’t. He was just saying hello.” I argued.

  “Are you trying to say that I’m crazy? That I didn’t just see a guy fondling my girlfriend right in front of my fucking face” Elliott stood over me his face was inches from my face. The look in his eyes was deadly and I knew how this night was going to end, bile started rising in my throat.

  “No, I didn’t mean to upset you. He was just saying hello to be polite. I don’t know him other than he’s one of the bosses.” I knew my voice came out panicky and maybe made me sound guilty but I couldn’t help it. The noise and people in the club made it difficult to gage an appropriate answer. I quickly scanned the room and saw Johan at the bar watching us with a deep frown etched on his brow.

  “You think I’m an idiot.”

  “No, never, please stop this. Lets finish our drinks” I pleaded.

  “We need to leave, we can discuss this at home in private.” He gripped my hand, nipping his nails into my skin.

  Panic took hold; “No I don’t want to leave” I remained seated. “Please, sit down’re causing people to stare at us” I ducked my head and stared at the table.

  “They were staring before, at me, being the deluded idiot while my girlfriend was off humping some bloke at the bar.” He sat next to me on the bench taking a large swig of his drink.

  “I wasn’t” I protested and regretted it immediately with the fierce look on his face. “I'm sorry. Johan is a work collea
gue, he came to say hello, and he wanted to meet you too. I wasn’t humping anyone.” I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Why do you do this? You’re not happy with me; I never make you happy so why do we do this?” I said to the table because one thing for sure I was too scared to look at Elliott.

  “What? Are you trying to break up with me?” his hand landed on the top of my thigh and squeezed so hard I couldn’t help but cry out with pain. “Do you not remember what happened the last time you tried to pull this? Do you need reminding? You. Are. Mine!” He growled into my ear, biting at my lobe viciously.

  I nodded and apologised.

  “I love you, why I have no fucking clue, but I do. And you love me and that is the end of the fucking discussion.” He emptied his glass and stood pulling me to my feet. His grip on my wrist was going to leave a bruise with the tight punishing hold he had on me.

  I stumbled being dragged at such a fast pace. When we passed the bar I ducked my head, I could feel Johan’s eyes following me. A gentle hand landed on my shoulder, halting me. I turned and saw Johan watching me with confused concern. I simply shook my head and followed Elliott. When we got outside, he marched us down the street to the car park. He searched his pockets for his keys stumbling with his inebriation, when the doors clicked he practically threw me into the car.

  “I should drive. You’ve had –”

  “Are you seriously trying to tell me what to fucking do!” He shouted. Spit hit my face as each word left his mouth.

  “No Elliott” I sat in my seat, fastened my seatbelt and waited for him to stagger around the car. I wanted to vomit, but fear repressed the urge. I tried again to reason with him

  “Please let me drive”

  A swift punch to the ribs silenced me.

  I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing. I wondered if he would notice if I took the pain killers now so when the time came my body would have some defense.

  I felt the car stop and looked to the house. Shit! There were no lights on in both houses and no cars in the drive. They were all out. I looked across at Elliott and the look on his face told me he knew this in advance. He’d arranged it.